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2 Minutes Read

Our big U-turn

  This year, we decided to halt a campaign that would have turned our company into a multi-million dollar agency almost overnight. We have a wonderful client who has a great product. It features a great non-investment opportunity for business owners and we were the team chosen to put this in front of thousands of merchants. We decided to discontinue the campaign after the end of 2023 because the opportunity came with products that are known to be detrimental to human health. 

Our client was very understanding and would still like to work with us on other (better health-related) projects.
We do not own the product and people are going to buy it anyway. Only adults could gain access to it, so we would not be contributing to harming the health of minors. 

So, you might ask, What is the big deal?  

Here is the point. No Limits Today LLC desires to provide value to clients while not harming consumers, the environment, animals, or any living things. We know that our obligation to drive revenue to the company is no less strong or urgent than any other company or organization. However, we decided that all the potential profits could not make up for the complicity we would bear for the unknown individuals and their lives that we might have assisted indirectly in harming.

What about profits made before discontinuing the campaign? Well, we put far more time and energy into building and launching this campaign than any returns could ever make up for. We were basically underwater because of ethical concerns. 

As a result, we decided to pivot and provide a whole new system for our clients that can potentially earn millions of dollars for them while saving them hours upon hours of manual labor! We are excited to dive into 2024 with a good conscience!

What about you? Are there any opportunities you have turned down despite how lucrative they were because it hit an ethical nerve that you could not ignore? Share it in the comments.  

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